About our book titled: “Protect Your Family! Don’t Write a Blank Check to the Nur$ing Home”:
Written by Certified Elder Law Attorney Dennis Toman and ten other nationally-known elder law attorneys, our “Protect Your Family!” book gathers the collective wisdom of a dream team of leading elder law attorneys. We tell you in plain English how to protect your family and your hard-earned assets before it’s too late. You’ll learn essential tools and knowledge for effective long-term care planning. Dennis Toman contributed “Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease: What Patients and Their Families Need to Know.”
This book includes chapters on:
- “How to Prepare for Getting Older”
- “Senior Living Options”
- “Reverse Mortgages”
- “Caregivers”
- “Myths and Misunderstandings”
- “Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease: What Patients and Their Families Need to Know”
- “Medicaid”
- “Special Monthly Pension Available Through the Veterans Administration”
- “Trusts”
- “End of Life Issues”
- “Pitfalls, Problems, and Things to Look Out for When Considering Long-Term Planning”
This book is available for free to all who need it – simply enter your information in the form and we will mail your copy to you!